9-year olds taught to hate the USA and white people


An upstate school district was pressured into incorporating Critical Race Theory into their curriculum after a social justice corporation got a Change.org petition going. The district officials caved on the program they originally rejected.

Fairport Central School District (FCSD) near Rochester, New York, partnered with a social justice consulting firm to develop the district’s new race-based curriculum, written by PathStone Foundation.

Nine-year-olds will be taught about how racism is deeply embedded in the Rochester community and encouraged to partake in activism.

It’s clearly indoctrination into radicalized Marxism.

The curriculum states that fourth-grade students must be able to “understand, discuss, and identify examples of racism, segregation, and anti-racism.” Students were shown pictures of children protesting as an example of “anti-racism.” The children held signs that read, “Black Lives Matter” and “None of us is free until all of us are free.”

Children were also told that New York schools are the “most segregated schools in the country.” In the proceeding slides, students were shown housing segregation maps of Monroe County — the county that houses FCSD — and were asked to identify how redlining has affected where they live. The redlining maps provided to students were from 1935, The Daily Wire reports.

The curriculum also asks students to observe the role that the government played in segregating communities and showcased local “anti-integration” protests that took place at the University of Rochester.

As an “exit ticket” idea for teachers, fourth-graders were asked to watch a video to “reflect on how we as fourth graders can be antiracists” and what “problem(s) in our school or community that [they] want to change.” One example showed a picture of three young girls with the caption, “Bailey, Khaliat, and Simra meeting with their principal to address their concerns about hiring more black teachers.”

The curriculum is titled, “Untaught History: Structural Racism & Resistance Curriculum.”

It’s untaught because it’s untrue. Parents of white students report their children are being made to feel guilty for the color of their skin. This is divisive, not uniting.

Rep. Chip Roy slams Critical Race Theory:

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