A good reason to not call black people African-Americans


Most black Americans, 58%, do not have a preferred racial term between black and African-American. Another 17% prefer black.

Therefore, why don’t we drop African-Americans all together? We are all just Americans. The hyphenated designations are white liberal in origin and they are divisive. I’m not Dutch or Irish American, I’m American. Let’s unite. We are one in America.

These findings from a June 1-July 5 Gallup poll are similar to Gallup’s prior tracking of Black Americans’ preferred terms using a differently worded question asked from 1991 to 2019. The new wording makes it clear that the question is asking what the group should be called — not how the respondent prefers to be referred to, themselves. The earlier surveys also found majorities saying it didn’t matter to them which term was used, and usually, no clear preferred term was identified among those who did have a

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