Academics Call for Rationing Food and Fuel, World War II-Style


Academics of the University of Leeds, England, published a new study to determine if governments worldwide should institute World War II-level meat and fuel rationing to  fight “climate change.”

I think they should ration tofu and almond milk.

According to the study, this rationing would help to create a “rapid reduction in global emissions.”

The researchers looked at proposed plans to reduce carbon emissions.

Green agenda activists such as Bill Gates have been pushing “carbon tax” schemes that would limit people’s carbon emissions and automatically take money from a person’s bank account if they exceed their limit.

These researchers think this global rationing would be more “equitable” than Gates’-style allowances.

The researchers argue that, unlike carbon taxes and carbon-credit schemes, rationing would prevent the rich from buying “their way out.”

“The concept of rationing could help, not only in the mitigation of climate change but also in reference to a variety of other social and political issues – such as the current energy crisis,” says joint lead author Dr. Nathan Wood.

“The cost of living crisis has shown what happens when scarcity drives up prices, with energy prices rising steeply and leaving vulnerable groups unable to pay their bills,” he adds.

“Currently, those living in energy poverty cannot use anywhere near their fair share of energy supply, whereas the richest in society are free to use as much energy as they can afford.”

They are also looking at communistic price controls.

We’re not sure why people believe they can inflict totalitarianism on the world for their flawed belief system.

They are basing a lot of this on the a Ministry of Food report from 1918 commenting on the effectiveness of rationing, stating that the effects had been ‘almost instantaneous.’ They also looked at a report from May 1941, the Ministry of Information “as long as people believe that all classes and sections are suffering and enduring equally, they will put up with very great hardship. It is ‘unfairness’ that people resent.”

That’s nice. What about the Ministry of 1984. What do they say?

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