AOC calls saint an example of ‘white supremacist culture…patriarchy…colonialism’


Communistic Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Thursday that she considers a Catholic saint who cared for people with leprosy in Hawaii to be an example of “patriarchy and white supremacist culture” and “colonialism.”

AOC made the remarks in posts on her Instagram account. Catholics are unhappy, me being one of them. She’s a crazy, disrespectful individual.

She was talking about Father Damien. He is revered in Hawaii for his tremendous sacrifice and dedication to lepers. Father Damien lost his life to leprosy.

He did whatever he could to help the lepers. His statue will be gone one day.

AOC said “This is what patriarchy and white supremacist culture looks like! It’s not radical or crazy to understand the influence white supremacist culture has historically had in our overall culture & how it impacts the present day” while training the camera on the statue of Father Damien.

What a hate-filled creature, and she is stupid as the day is long. How in the world does she decide that a priest who was martyred helping lepers is an example of white supremacy and patriarchy?

She’s a racist, communist supremacist.


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