AP Interviews James Woods About Satire Meme DNC Wanted Banned


James Woods in an interview with the AP likened Twitter shutting his voice down to being smothered with a pillow, calling on Dorsey to “man up” and take him out with a knife.

“The irony is, Twitter accused me of affecting the political process, when in fact, their banning of me is the truly egregious interference,” Woods said. “Because now, having our voice smothered is much more disturbing than having your vocal chords slit. If you want to kill my free speech, man up and slit my throat with a knife, don’t smother me with a pillow.”

Ryan Saavedra, a reporter for The Daily Wire tweeted: The DNC contacted Twitter about the “Demand Voter ID” hashtag with tweets that included media that suggested that the DNC supported that position.

A Twitter official told him Twitter agreed to take action against those tweets because it could impact the midterm elections.

James Woods fell victim to the extreme censorship over what is a satire meme. The DNC Stalinists convinced Twitter to ban them.


James Woods posted a tweet on July 20 that includes a satire meme that said it came from Democrats. It encouraged men not to vote in the midterm elections with a silly photo of soy boys.

Woods got an email from Twitter on Thursday saying the tweet “has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.”

The meme that Woods posted in July said #LetWomenDecide and #NoMenMidterm. It claimed to be from a Democratic group, but it was determined to be a hoax campaign to encourage liberal men not to vote in November, according to the website knowyourmeme.com, the AP wrote.

It’s satire, idiots.

Twitter censors are literally insane. The tweet is considered to be material that would suppress votes or deliberately deceive. It was found to be in violation of Twitter rules.

[It might be believed by fools and miscreants who make up a large majority of the Democrat base.]

Woods called it a parody. In his tweet, he acknowledged the meme likely wasn’t real, saying: “Pretty scary that there is a distinct possibility this could be real. Not likely, but in this day and age of absolute liberal insanity, it is at least possible …”

James Woods won’t come back under the conditions set by Twitter

Woods told the AP Sunday he’ll be allowed back on Twitter only if he decides to do what Twitter says. He says he won’t do that, and he won’t delete the tweet.

“Free speech is free speech — it’s not Jack Dorsey’s version of free speech,” Woods said. Jack Dorsey is @Jack and the Twitter CEO and founder.

“The irony is, Twitter accused me of affecting the political process, when in fact, their banning of me is the truly egregious interference,” Woods said. “Because now, having your voice smothered is much more disturbing than having your vocal chords slit. If you want to kill my free speech, man up and slit my throat with a knife, don’t smother me with a pillow.”

Woods said if he deletes the tweet, it would force him to watch his step with everything he says in the future. It is chilling free speech. The email Woods received from Twitter said Woods would be suspended from the social media platform permanently if there are repeated abuses.

Woods said he wants open discourse, and called the situation a dangerous one for free speech.

“I wish this were about an unknown Twitter user so that I could be even more passionate about it,” Woods said. “This is not about a celebrity being muzzled. This is about an American being silenced — one tweet at a time.”

Twitter wouldn’t comment to the AP about whether they will respond to Woods.

It’s James Woods against the DNC. The DNC will win if he doesn’t relent.


Social media companies like Twitter have come under pressure to get hate speech and posts that could influence elections offline.

Who is directing this utter nonsense with the DNC? Leftist groups, George Soros, David Brock, Tom Steyer? Tom Perez who leads the DNC is most certainly a Socialist as is the very corrupt Keith Ellison, the second in command. Jack himself is very far left.


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