Approved Spanish Flu therapy might cure COVID-19


There is a new possible breakthrough in the treatment of COVID-19. A treatment, which has been approved in the United States, helped a test group of infected patients recover in only three days.

The convalescent plasma (CP) therapy was conducted on 10 adult patients in China with severe COVID-19, aged 34-78 years.

The results of the pilot study suggest that CP therapy may be a safe and promising therapeutic option for severe COVID-19 infections.

“All symptoms in the 10 patients, especially fever, cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain, disappeared or largely improved within 1 [day] to 3 [days] upon CP transfusion,” said the study, which was recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.

This is a Chinese study conducted in Wuhan city, the epicenter of the virus, by Kai Duan of China’s National Biotec Group Co. Ltd.

This is a therapy that was used for the first time 100 years ago during the Spanish Flu epidemic. It has already been used in the U.S.

A vaccine is at least a year to a year-and-a-half away, according to the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, but CP therapy is here now, inexpensive, and readily available since it utilizes antibodies from people who have been infected and have recovered.

They may never have a vaccine like the one for Polio. Coronavirus is probably going to be more like Influenza with shots that may or may not help.

The therapy has been used to treat SARS and MERS, and Ebola, which developed in China, China, and the Middle East respectively. The pilot study in the diseases was a last desperate resort.

The recovery criteria were as follows:

1) normality of body temperature for more than 3 [days],

2) resolution of respiratory tract symptoms, and

3) two consecutively negative results of sputum SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR assay (1-[day] sampling interval). The donor’s blood was collected after 3 [weeks] postonset of illness and,

4) postdischarge,” says the study.

Dr. Fauci will probably say we need a year of triple-blind studies first and Dr. Emanuel will say we all have to stay in our homes starving to death until we maybe get a vaccine.

Testing is also improving quickly.

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