As UAW Cheers, Biden Admits He Is Changing the US Economy to Collectivism


As Joe Biden spoke to the UAW, today, he admitted he is changing the economy of the United States. He is saying that we are becoming socialists.

Biden falsely claims that the socialist economy somehow gives everyone a fair shot when in fact, it does quite the opposite. It makes everyone poor. Socialism is the economy of greed and envy It’s an economy of the top down. This administration isn’t even stopping at socialism. What they are doing is implementing communism. No one gave them a mandate to make us slaves to the elite.

Biden said, “Let me tell you something I learned a long time ago. If I’m gonna be in a fight, I want to be in a fight with you, UAW. We have a big fight in front of us. We’re fundamentally changing the economy of this country. And everybody’s getting worried about it – the very powerful. Some are seeing the light. But changing the economy, taking it from an economy that takes care of those at the top and changing an economy that gives people who built this country fair shot…”

What Biden is suggesting here is that he is changing the economy to a socialist economy. He’s claiming it would be fair to everyone and give everyone a fair shot when, in fact, it allows the elite to decide who will succeed and who will not. Their choices will be corrupted by politics.

Socialism gives all the power to the elite. It’s the politics of greed and envy. There is no merit in this system. There is no success. There is only what the government decides for you. What he envisions is clearly far more totalitarian than socialism. He is taking away our freedom, and using communistic unions and race to do it.

Here is the speech Argentina’s President Javier Milei gave trashing socialism at the World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab walked out on it.

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