Eleven Avocado farmers were murdered in Western Mexico where rival gangs fight for control and extort the locals. Six of the victims were minors. They were between the ages of 13 and 20. You should care because this is the kind of violence and horror that Democrats are inviting into the US with open borders.
According to state authorities, the victims left to go to a wooded area to collect honey in the morning and did not return home. It was not until that night when authorities found the 11 bodies, all shot several times.
Locals told Breitbart Texas the victims were Purepecha Indians and that state authorities have largely ignored their pleas for help as criminal organizations target avocado farmers for extortion schemes.
La noche de este lunes en la comunidad de Tarecuato cerca de Zamora Michoacán se reporto la masacre de once personas, todos fueron ejecutados con el tiro de gracia, jóvenes de entre 13 y 20 años, junto una camioneta y tres motocicletas. @IldefonsoOrtiz pic.twitter.com/CVPGmpj0x7
— Unidad De Inteligencia Ciudadana (@UnidadDeInteli1) November 2, 2021
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