Bernie Sanders sends a warning to the Democrat Party


It is no secret Bernie was cheated out of his opportunity to become the Democrat Party candidate for president in 2016. And, it is a fact that Democrats would like to get rid of him now because they see him as unelectable. Bloomberg has made it clear he will do his best to defeat him at a brokered convention.

Bernie was asked about the issue at a CNN town hall.

“Who knows what’s going to happen,” Sanders said, responding to a question.

“If I or anybody else goes into the Democratic convention with a substantial plurality, I believe that individual — me or anybody else — should be the candidate of the Democratic Party,” the 78-year-old front-runner added, with a warning to Democrats.

The Democratic socialist [communist] predicted it would be “incredibly divisive” for the Democrats “if one candidate comes out on top, to say to the country, ‘you voted for that candidate, but by the way, we don’t think that candidate should be the nominee.’”

“I think that will be a serious, serious problem for the Democratic party. I think it will wreak havoc on that person’s campaign,” he added.

He believes it is the will of the people that must stand. Bernie also knows how his violent Bernie Bros will react.


Bernie’s warning was reasonably expressed, but he knows it’s a subtle message to his #Bernie Bros who terrorize people on Twitter.

As far as Bloomberg buying a defeat, the Bernie Bros will go scorched-earth. The hard-left, which makes up a big portion of the party at this point, won’t show up to vote.


We all know its’ true — they will get violent, protest, riot, they will react.

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