The Biden administration’s Office of the Secretary of Defense published their 13-page guide for military leaders. It trains them to turn in “extremism,” which they define as “white supremacy.” You can read it below.
What could be worse for a band of brothers than to tell them they are not brothers but rather tools of the State.
They are telling command to hold ‘stand-down’ discussions urging military men and women to turn on their brothers and sisters in the military. Hitler did the same.
The soldiers are to report any “concerning behaviors,” and the document claims they are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment at the same levels civilians are. Some speech “may be restricted” and they “will have consequences.”
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The document clearly highlights “white supremacists,” and “domestic protests” (referencing the Capitol protest of J6).
There will be criminal charges for disobedient military members.
“Suggested Talking Points” for unit commanders and supervisors:
On February 5, 2021, the Secretary of Defense directed unit commanders and supervisors at all levels to conduct a leadership “stand down” within 60 days to address the issues of extremist ideology in our ranks.
Actively espousing ideologies that encourage discrimination, hate, and harassment against others will not be tolerated within our (unit/command/etc).
I expect the core principles of dignity and mutual respect to guide the actions of the personnel in this unit/organization at all times, including our conversations here today.
The vast majority of the men and women in the United States military and those who serve the Department of Defense as civilian employees perform their duties and responsibilities with integrity, and do not support racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists, including white supremacists, and other domestic terrorists such as anti-government violent extremists. However, recent events have shown that we must be ever vigilant in our efforts to identify and combat such ideology within the ranks and organizations.
“Although Service members enjoy the right to free speech protected by the First Amendment, the unique character of the military community and of the military mission requires a balancing of those rights with the important purpose of the military. In fact, the Supreme Court of the United States noted…For all of us, Service members and DoD civilian employees alike, who enjoy the great privilege of serving in our nation’s defense, we recognize that due to the unique character of the military community and mission, speech that interferes with or prevents the orderly accomplishment of the mission or presents a clear danger to loyalty, discipline, mission, or morale of the troops may be restricted under some circumstances. Similarly, speech in the workplace that interferes with the mission, espouses extremist or discriminatory doctrine, or is disrespectful and harmful to colleagues, will have consequences.”
“Prohibited Activities…Dignity and Respect: The Department of Defense places the highest importance on treating all personnel with dignity and respect, in an inclusive environment, free from impermissible discrimination, harassment, and hate. And as such, DoD policy expressly prohibits Service members from actively advocating supremacist, extremist, or criminal gang doctrine, ideology, and causes”
“Indicators: Participation may lead to violence. Some indicators of individual escalation toward extremism include clear identification with or support for extremist or hate-based ideology; making or attempting to make contact with extremist groups; the possession and/or distribution of extremist literature or paraphernalia; and threatening, intimidating, harassing, or harming of others consistent with extremism or hate-based ideology. While such conduct may not constitute “active participation,” such signs offer an indicator for commands, prompting action and intervention that can avoid active participation down the road.”
“Duty to Reject: Service members and DoD civilian employees must reject participation in such activities. With regard to Service members, Department policy makes clear that commanders have the authority to employ the full range of administrative and disciplinary actions, including involuntary separation, dismissal, or even appropriate criminal prosecution against those who actively engage in such activity. Supervisors and leaders of all ranks must also take action to maintain good order and discipline and root out extremism.”
You Might Be Punished If You Don’t Turn on the Men You Will Be Reliant Upon In Wartime
Failure to Report:
Failure to report concerning behaviors removes an opportunity for the Department to help a Service member or civilian employee, and could place themselves, the Department, and others at risk. A report of concerning behavior does not necessarily result in punitive actions against an individual.
Remember, failure to report has a negative impact on the unit or organization. Command climate suffers, groups become polarized, corrosive behaviors undermine confidence in the unit, and readiness is degraded.
In the “Case Studies” section of “Examples To Illustrate Problematic Behaviors,” all of the examples are about alleged Nazis or neo-Nazis and the military cites the white-identity.
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