Biden Appoints Satanist as a Monkeypox Coordinator, Fav of Dems


Team Biden appointed Demetre Dskalakis, who wears Satanist Pentagrams like a Republican wears a flag pin, as deputy Monkeypox coordinator. He’s the official White House response spokesperson. Why don’t they make him Joe Biden’s chaplain? It is more appropriate than a priest.

Just so you know, the Church of Satan claims they don’t worship Satan. They just hate real religion.  Who knows what’s true with them? Their morals are a bit weird.

At this point, Democrats are just mocking us. Perhaps they are trying to start that Civil War they keep talking about. Don’t fall for it – no violence. This person can believe anything he wants but let’s face it; this is very out of the ordinary. It does seem like a message to Christians. It’s so in our face!

They really should announced that he’s a Satanist. Democrats are fans, especially the LGBTQIA+PRIDE community.

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