Team Biden appointed Demetre Dskalakis, who wears Satanist Pentagrams like a Republican wears a flag pin, as deputy Monkeypox coordinator. He’s the official White House response spokesperson. Why don’t they make him Joe Biden’s chaplain? It is more appropriate than a priest.
Just so you know, the Church of Satan claims they don’t worship Satan. They just hate real religion. Who knows what’s true with them? Their morals are a bit weird.
At this point, Democrats are just mocking us. Perhaps they are trying to start that Civil War they keep talking about. Don’t fall for it – no violence. This person can believe anything he wants but let’s face it; this is very out of the ordinary. It does seem like a message to Christians. It’s so in our face!
They really should announced that he’s a Satanist. Democrats are fans, especially the LGBTQIA+PRIDE community.
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Meet Demetre Daskalakis.
Demetre was just appointed by Joe Biden to be the official White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator. Demetre proudly wears the official symbol of the Church of Satan: The Pentagram.
Joe Biden appointed a Satanist to the White House.— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2022
Demetre at the White House yesterday speaking from the press podium downplaying Monkeypox as “just an infection”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2022
Not cherry picking here. The Pentagram is proudly displayed in his *promotional* photos for a CDC appointment. It’s ubiquitous on his social media. Demetre has Pentagram tattoos.
So it’s a fair question: Did Joe Biden appoint a Satanist?
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2022
I’m a First Amendment Absolutist. Demetre has the right to believe & worship anything he wants.
Joe Biden did nothing illegal in appointing him.
But the American public has a right to know if Joe Biden appointed a Satanist.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 8, 2022