Biden bill includes lifetime welfare, rapid citizenship, no requirements for all Afghans


In a series of tweets that went up yesterday, Stephen Miller sounded the alarm on a policy rider to the spending bill that Biden just sent to Congress. It includes lifetime welfare and a pathway to citizenship for every unvetted Afghan Biden randomly flew to the US or will fly and their relatives. Many of these people were first screened by the Taliban.

They will get a lot of other freebies as well.

They get a rapid path to citizenship. All inadmissibility is waived — terrorists will love that. Former Afghanistan residents will get the same benefits.

There are no immigration caps.

This is an invitation for all our enemies to come into the United States.


“In this first screenshot, you can see the covered population is ANY Afghan national living in ANY country that Biden flies to the US between last July and the end of NEXT fiscal year. By definition, they lack lawful status. If adopted, it’s likely renewed annually,” Miller wrote on Twitter.

“In the next section, they eliminate every statutory vetting process, and every legal qualification, by declaring the sole standard to be whatever Mr. Open Borders (Mayorkas) rubber stamps via the misnamed “Operation Allies Welcome” (there’s zero requirement to be an “ally”).”

“All legal restrictions on welfare & public benefits are waived, allowing every unauthorized Afghan national to access cash welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing, etc. This is “off books” spending—Congress doesn’t appropriate the $, it’s just drawn from the Treasury.”

“At any point in the future, immediate relatives are available for the same status and benefits. Of course, the numbers really explode once citizenship is attained and formal chain migration kicks in. Biden compounding one disaster with another.”

“The key section: 1 year after arrival, Afghan nationals will be given “permanent residence” (green cards) by Mayorkas, which means rapid path to citizenship & chain migration. No need to meet any legal definition of SIV, asylee, refugee, “ally”—or any legal standard at all.”

“If that all wasn’t radical enough, the budget plan further authorizes Mayorkas to waive almost any ground of inadmissibility—in other words, even if an Afghan national is explicitly barred from admission by law, they can be made a permanent resident.”

“And it goes further yet still: “Afghan national” is defined not only to include current but also former residents of Afghanistan. This would include much of the millions-large Afghan community living in Pakistan.”


“Lastly, Biden’s budget plan exempts all Afghan nationals from statutory immigration caps (no offsetting cuts) and backdates permanent residency to the date of parole to move up citizenship to five years from enactment.”

“Open borders to extremist hotbeds will yield catastrophe. For tiny fraction of cost, migrants could be resettled in home region. This is about Biden’s agenda of maximum migration. Makes Obama’s Syrian refugee plan look very conservative. Pro-sovereignty lawmakers must block”



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