Biden Greets Zelenskiy with a Red Carpet and $1.85 Billion


They literally laid down a red carpet for this tyrant.

Joe Biden and his wife Jill gave Ukrainian President Zelenskiy the red carpet treatment when he rolled into town. Zelesnskiy wore his Castro garb, which is a little insulting to our intelligence.

Joe didn’t stop with a mere red carpet. He also gave him another $1.85 billion after the Senate said they were pushing to give Zelenskiy $45 billion in addition to the 63 billion the US already gave him.

During his most recent video, Zelenskiy said $45 billion isn’t enough.

This $1.85 billion in tax dollars in assistance comes from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. This is a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $1 billion, as well as $850 million in assistance via the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI).

This is the 28th Drawdown.

Zelenskiy is a thug who is a tyrant in his own country. This is a man who accepted Nazis into his military.

Our country is under invasion, and the politicians are making fools of the American people with these actions. It’s ludicrous.

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