Joe Biden is rewarding our enemies are an existential threat to the United States. At the same time, he is harming – punishing – Americans.
Americans watch as good jobs in the oil and gas industry are shut down and people who didn’t get a vaccine lose their jobs. They are told there are good solar jobs available for them. Only there aren’t.
Biden removed the tariffs on China, rewarding them for their bad behavior, and are destroying American jobs.
A Huntsville, Alabama, solar panel factory will close after President Joe Biden exempted foreign-made bifacial solar panels from United States tariffs earlier this month.
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LG Electronics, a South Korea-based company, announced that it will be closing its Huntsville solar panel manufacturing operation, resulting in the layoffs of about 160 American employees and another 60 Americans who are employed as contract workers.
They will service solar customers for years to come and will honor warranties.
Executives hope to keep employees by transferring them to other businesses and manufacturing sectors in Huntsville. Any employees who are laid-off will receive severance packages.
This comes weeks after Biden exempted foreign-made bifacial solar panels from Section 201 tariffs. Almost all come from China. Tariffs were first imposed by former President Trump in January 2018 at a 30 percent rate.
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) had warned that Biden’s gutting U.S. tariffs on China-made bifacial solar panels would have a devastating impact on America’s solar manufacturing sector.
With nothing to level the playing field, the American industry can’t survive.
This isn’t just putting America last, it’s putting America out of the game and giving China our manufacturing. Biden’s love of Maoist China includes turning our manufacturing over to them. Biden and his family need to be investigated.
Biden’s Commerce Department sided with Chinese solar manufacturers who produce their products in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam by denying a request from American solar manufacturers to investigate U.S. tariff evasion.
Biden had been lobbied by 12 Senate Democrats who sent a letter asking the administration not to impose any tariffs on the products made in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam by the Chinese solar manufacturers, Breitbart reports. Dianne Feinstein is one of the 12 and her legendary collusion with the Chinese communists has damaged the US politically and economically.
From 2001 to 2018, U.S. free trade with China has cost Alabama at least 50,700 jobs or about 2.5 percent of the state’s employment. A previous study found that permanent 25 percent tariffs on China-made products imported to the U.S. market would create a million American jobs in five years, according to Breitbart.