Biden-Harris Continue the Invasion Non-Stop Every Day


Ben Berquam took footage from Tijuana, Mexico, on the 16th. He watched as Joe Biden and the Democrats, under the CVP1 app, brought in three large groups of illegals.

These people come in without vetting.

This is going on every day.

“This was the eighth stop on our Mexican border tour, and every single CVP1 port is active, but San Ysidro is the worst! No wonder San Diego City Council voted to become a “super sanctuary city” that will no longer allow law enforcement to work with ICE. They are the city profiting most off of this invasion, with every single one of the illegals receiving federal grants. San Diego and every other sanctuary-supporting community needs to be defunded on day one, and any politician that gets in the way of ICE doing their job needs to be prosecuted immediately!”

US politicians are corrupt and don’t care about this country. They are continuing the invasion to make deportations much more difficult.

Berquam said to check @Oscarelblue’s and his reports.

This next clip is from early November. It’s treasonous.

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