Biden-Harris Deal with Mexico: Hold 400k+ Until November 5th


“The whole world will be at our doorstep if Kamala wins—an illegal immigration typhoon,” Stephen Miller

Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at The Center for Immigration Studies, called The Michael Patrick Leahy show while on the ground in southern Mexico.

He is documenting the holding of approximately 300,000-400,000 migrants in the Mexican cities of Tapachula and Villahermosa who collectively have a goal of reaching the U.S. southern border.

Biden-Harris made a deal with the Mexican government to decrease the number of border crossings only until the election.

“This is the enclave that was created; it’s almost like a Gaza strip of immigration by the Biden administration. In December, they came down, and they wanted to get the numbers of border crossers lower at our border for the election campaign so it didn’t look so bad,” Bensman explained.

“What they did is they had Mexico put 35,000 troops out and scoop up every immigrant they could get their hands on along our border and internally deport them down here…behind militarized roadblocks so that they can’t get at our border and make Kamala Harris look bad and have to answer questions about why thousands and thousands are pouring over the border,” Bensman added.

“I suspect that the Mexicans won’t want to continue to do this deal once the election’s over and they’re not needed,” Bensman said.


When the deal was made with the Mexican government, Bensman said border crossings into the U.S. were reaching 14,000 per day. They were getting some bad press.

“I think that they did this for election optics…At that time, we were having 14,000 a day crossing our U.S. border. The media was down there covering that, and it was driving the polls down. Democrats were looking terrible for the election,” Bensman said.

“So once Biden, Blinken, and Mayorkas came down here and cut this deal, those numbers dropped from 14,000 a day to 3,000 a day – a 90 percent decline in illegal crossings. Now, they’re out there campaigning saying, ‘What border crisis? There’s nobody crossing, it’s all great.’ That’s because they’re here,” Bensman added.

“One thing that I’ve noticed in doing countless interviews with migrants, all day long for the last three days is that they are all very keenly aware that there’s a 50-50 chance that Trump’s going to win and close that border down and they are panicked about being stuck here. They are wanting very strongly to get to the border and get in before Donald Trump potentially could win,” Bensman said.

“They also are not that worried if Harris gets in. They’re saying Harris is going to let us all in,” Bensman added.

He noted what a serious human interest story this is and yet it gets no interest from the press.




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