Biden / Obama Administration 2.0


Joe Biden introduced his cabinet nominees during a press conference on Monday. His cabinet will be filled with former Obama administration officials.

Appearing unable to speak spontaneously, Biden read his entire 14-minute speech from a teleprompter. He never took his eyes off it except to wish one of his new cabinet members a happy birthday. He stared at the teleprompter with a fixed gaze, not losing his place, as he has done in the past.


Biden announced Avril Haines will lead the Director of National Intelligence. She served as the White House Deputy National Security Advisor during Obama’s administration.

In 2015, Haines was asked to determine whether CIA personnel who hacked the computers of Senate staffers should be disciplined. She chose not to discipline the personnel involved, overruling the CIA Inspector General. Then she helped redact the Senate report.

Antony Blinken was chosen as Secretary of State. He served in the Obama Administration from 2015 to 2017. In order to avoid a conflict of interest, Blinken has recused himself of some of his substantial financial partnerships to accept the position in Biden’s administration. Two of Bernie Sander’s top advisors have praised Biden’s choice.

Biden tagged yet another Obama alum in Alejandro Mayorkas. He served as Obama’s Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security from 2013 to 2016. Mayorkas faced criticism for helping foreign investor obtain EB-5 visas. That’s how you obtain a “Green Card.”

Linda Thomas-Greenfield was tagged as the Ambassador to the U.N. She was, you guessed it, part of the Obama Administration. She served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 2013 to 2017. Yet another Obama loyalist.

A former campaign advisor and National Security Advisor to Obama, Jake Sullivan was picked as Biden’s National Security Advisor. Sullivan and other Obama officials met secretly with the Iranians during the nuclear negotiations. Sullivan was deeply embroiled in the scandal of emails released to Wikileaks during Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Finally, Biden picked John Kerry as his “Climate Envoy.” The former Senator and presidential candidate was Obama’s Secretary of State. The Swift Boat veteran will “have a seat at every table around the world,” according to Biden.


As is his way, Biden’s speech was filled with confusing facts or outright inaccuracies. For example, he announced he was appointing the first woman to lead the intelligence community.

Actually, the first woman to lead the intelligence community was Trump appointee Gina Haspel. She was sworn in as head of the CIA in 2018. Last time I checked, the CIA has the word “Intelligence” in it.

Biden said Blinken’s family are Holocaust survivors. Well, sort of. His step-father, Samuel Pisar, was a Holocaust survivor. He died in 2015.

Biden’s press conference audio and video do not match, making it hard to follow.


Biden wasn’t sure how many world leaders he had spoken to. His estimate was “18 to 20.” At the end of his speech, Biden’s one glaring omission was his failure to say God Bless America.

Every nominee in Biden’s cabinet was a member of the Obama Administration. It begs the question, whose administration is it? It seems this is not Biden’s cabinet, but Obama’s. One has to wonder who chose these individuals. Did Biden tag his former boss for his preferences?

Is it the potential Biden Administration, or just Obama 2.0?

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