BIG! NAPO endorses Trump, drops Biden


This is huge. The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for president on Wednesday. In the past, they supported former Vice President Joe Biden, year after year.

“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read.

NAPO previously endorsed the Obama-Biden presidential ticket in both 2008 and 2012 and did not endorse a candidate in 2016.

The organization represents more than 1,000 police associations and 241,000 sworn officers.

The letter cited the Justice Department under Trump for prosecuting individuals attacking police officers. They also noted the President’s signing the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act, and support for the 9/11 first responders fund as additional reasons for their support.

Biden wouldn’t even meet with NAPO after their years of support, but the Trump campaign welcomed the news. Biden has made the police the enemy.

The President was grateful:

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