What a team. One failed mayor endorsing a senator who achieved nothing after forty years in public service. Nonetheless, de Blasio’s endorsement of Bernie is significant. He is the first former presidential candidate to do so. Also, he’s the mayor of New York City so it’s clearly timed to smack Bloomberg down.
De Blasio once said, “I have spent literally six years undoing what Michael Bloomberg did.” De Blasio’s office issued a statement about the endorsement:
Politico referred to them both as “leaning left.” If they leaned any further left, they’d be in Russia.
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Ironically, Politico reported, “In backing Sanders, de Blasio is embracing the left wing of the party in its battle with moderates like Pete Buttigieg and Mike Bloomberg, whose outsized campaign spending has vaulted him to the top tier in the crowded primary field.”
In no way are either Buttigieg or Bloomberg moderates, especially not Buttigieg. He wants amnesty for people here illegally and a path to citizenship, reparations, gun laws, high taxes, abortion at any time and he wouldn’t disavow infanticide. The list goes on.
Bloomberg isn’t a communist but he is sounding more and more like an extremist to win the nomination.
De Blasio is set to campaign with Sanders in Nevada and will join Sanders at a rally Sunday in Carson City.
Sanders said in a statement, “Mayor Bill de Blasio knows that the only way we can defeat Donald Trump is by uniting people from all backgrounds around an agenda that speaks to the needs of working families. Jane and I grew up in Brooklyn and we are so proud to have the support of a New York City mayor fighting every day to improve the lives of New Yorkers. Bill is a leading example of what bringing the Democratic Party together around so-called ‘radical ideas’ like universal pre-K, paid family and sick leave, and defending immigrant neighbors can do for our country.”
They are all extreme and three of them are communists.
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