Cali Courts Can’t Get Enough Interpreters for the 220 Languages Spoken


Federal law requires courts throughout the nation to provide for foreign speakers. U.S civil rights law bars discrimination based on national origin. Failure to act means the possible loss of federal money.

At least 220 languages are spoken in California, and 44% of residents speak a language other than English at home. Seven million Californians say they cannot speak English well. That’s a problem!

On top of that, California’s court system is considered the largest in the nation, surpassing in size the entire labyrinth of federal courts, the LA Times reports.

California has long provided interpreters for criminal and juvenile cases. The law now says they must offer them also in civil courtrooms even though California can’t find enough interpreters.

Interpreters sometimes do a bad job and some are even accused of being “mean”.

The languages for which interpreters are needed are Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, American Sign, Mandarin, Farsi, Cantonese, Russian, Tagalog, Arabic and Punjabi.

But depending on the location of the court, that list expands. It includes Cambodian/Khmer, Japanese, Malayalam, Hmong, Lao and even dialects of the Aleutian Islands.

One defendant only knew Mixteco. The only interpreter they found couldn’t speak English and they needed a third interpreter. That makes translations very problematic.

There are 2,000 interpreters in the courts and they each get paid about $77,000. That’s just California though Cali is one of the liberals states looking to become a cosmopolitan globalist state. They are well on their way with a lot of people who end up in courts.

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