Cali DMV Employee Sleeps 3 Hours a Day on the Job, There Are 1,480 Like Her


An employee of the California Department of Motor Vehicles cost taxpayers more than $40,000 over nearly four years by slacking and sleeping on the job, Fox News reported. There are another 1,480 employees not doing their job with no one doing a thing about it, an audit says.

It is California, the lawless state.


The unnamed employee allegedly slept three hours a day on the job between February 2014 and December 2017, an estimated 2,200 hours’ worth of work, according to a state auditor’s report, released Tuesday.

The worker, a data operator who should have averaged 560 documents a day while updating information on address changes and new vehicle ownership forms, only completed 200 a day, leaving others to do her work.

Colleagues also revealed in the report that the employee’s work was usually filled with mistakes.

A Supervisor said prior supervisors didn’t write her up properly.

They finally did write her up after much urging in March 2018, but she was only given a warning.

The audit recommended action be taken against the supervisors who didn’t do their job. As a result, they were given some training. Training is always the cover for not taking appropriate action.

What is really galling is that their training is something they should already know. It’s “on the importance of following the State’s progressive discipline process.”

The DMV still hasn’t done anything with sleeping beauty but they are “consulting” about it.

The State taxpayer gets to pay for these 1,481 goof offs. This snoozer is only one of many.

Between February 2014 and December 2017, the employee snoozed through an estimated 2,200 hours’ worth of work, costing California taxpayers more than $40,000, the audit said.

The unnamed worker is a data operator responsible for updating information on address changes and new vehicle ownership forms.

According to the report, a typical data operator averages 560 documents a day, but the worker managed only 200, leaving other data operators to pick up the slack. Her colleagues said her work was filled with errors, the report said.

The case was one of 1,481 instances of alleged improper governmental activities.

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