Cali Has a New Systemic Racist Law for Private Corporations


California communists have taken control of private corporations’ boards and brought racism and gender ideology to a whole new level with a new law – AB 979.

The new law, AB 979, forces the more than 600 publicly held corporations headquartered in the state to appoint board members based solely on their race and sexual orientation.

Choosing people by the color of their skin is racist. Maybe someone should explain to me why people have to also be chosen by who they sleep with. That’s just bizarre.

A law already in place, SB 826, requires corporations to meet a quota of female board members or face financial penalties. Existing law requires that by the end of 2019, a corporation with its principal executive office in the state had to have at least one female on its board. By the end of 2021, a corporation with 5 directors had to have a minimum of 2 female directors, and one with 6 or more directors had to have a least 3 female directors.

Now, as of this past December 31, the new law, AB 979, requires corporations to uphold an additional quota for board members based on race and sexual orientation, real or imagined [they can be nuts]. By the end of 2021, a corporation headquartered in the state was required to have at least one director from “an underrepresented community.” By the end of 2022, such a corporation with 5 to 8 directors had to have at least 2 directors from underserved communities; a corporation with 9 or more directors had to have a minimum of 3 directors from those communities on its board.

It doesn’t require the “director from an underrepresented community” to actually belong to that community.

“Director from an underrepresented community” is defined as “an individual who self-identifies as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or Alaska Native, or who self-identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.”

A first violation is punishable by a fine of $100,000; for subsequent violations, the fine is $300,000.

California’s radical communist Dem governor,  Gavin Newsom, said it advances “racial justice.”

“When we talk about racial justice, we talk about empowerment, we talk about power, we need to talk about seats at the table,” Newsom said, according to the Los Angeles Times.

This is illogical, stupid, immoral, and unconstitutional. It is wholly unAmerican. It’s racist and gender idiocy.

According to Newsom, this ends systemic racism but it actually guarantees systemic racism. It makes everything about race and sex instead of allowing companies to choose the most qualified people.

A conservative group is suing.

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