Californian Politicians Who Should Resign


Donald Trump called for Gavin Newsom to resign, but he won’t and should. Newsom is placing blame everywhere but where it belongs. The buck stops with him because of the lack of water to fight fires in California, which has a huge shoreline of water.

Mayor Bass, back from her trip to Ghana, needs to resign. When Mayor Bass cut $17.5 million from the fire department budget, they warned her it would seriously impact their ability to deal with emergencies like wildfires.

She needs to resign.

How does picking diverse people give us the best and brightest? What does being LGBT or female have to do with being a good firefighter? What does not having white men fighting fires have to do with making firefighting great? This silly Chief needs to resign.

This one needs to resign, also. Why doesn’t she say what they can do better next time?

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