Cartels Threaten Critical Infrastructure


Libs of TikTok published a memo a Texas-based oil and gas company sent employees. It warns that critical infrastructure is now under threat from migrant cartel members coming from Cuba and Venezuela.

This is Harris’s America.

They are stealing in the Permian Basin, America’s highest-producing oil field.

The memo:

Industry peers and law enforcement in West Texas (WTX) are aware of a recent increase in organized criminal activity inclusive of violent crimes, gang activity and oil field thefts in and around WTX operational areas. Specifically, regional law enforcement and the FBI advised that gang members emanating from Cuba and Venezuela are organizing and working in concert to commit thefts within the Permian Basin. These individuals and groups are armed, violent in nature and will not hesitate to use force.

Crimes associated with these groups include the theft of oil, diesel fuel, copper wire, and catalyst elements. Recent incidents have also included two assaults by water haulers who were attempting to steal oil from WTX oilfield sites. After the thieves were observed by witnesses who drove up to investigate, the thieves attempted to use their vehicles to run the witnesses off the road. In another incident, a thief, acting as a spotter and following a water hauler who had stolen oil, also attempted to run a witness off the road. There have been numerous reports of second vehicles acting as spotters for water haulers committing oil thefts.

An industry peer provided the below snapshot of a video surveillance of an armed thief checking out an area before stealing diesel from the location.

You can see it in the Libs of TikTok photo:

You should know that cartels hate Americans.

According to this officer, the sanctuary cities aren’t arresting illegal immigrants because they are a sanctuary city.

And they will vote.

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