CCP-BLM-friendly NBA “decry Capitol violence”


by Aaron James

CCP-friendly NBA players embrace and glorify the violent communist organization, Black Lives Matter, “decry Capitol violence,” according to Newsday on Thursday.

The Boston Celtics and Miami Heat knelt during our National Anthem, showing their contempt for the nation. They said they were “playing with a heavy heart” over alleged Trump supporters invading the Capitol.

They are also angry that police weren’t charged in the police shooting case of Jacob Blake, who was armed and planning to kidnap his child while under the influence in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

It is important to keep all of this in perspective.


There has never been a violent Conservative/Libertarian/Republican rally before.

The Police said hundreds invaded the Capitol, which would account for under 1% of the mostly peaceful protesters.

The Siege

The media is calling it a siege as if it was equivalent to Fort Sumter. The event yesterday was not the result of a PAC or tied to violent groups. Unfortunately, the unacceptable violence has turned it into a trash Trump narrative. President Trump had the right to give the speech he gave. He said nothing violent, nor did he encourage violence. At one point, he said something about having to be strong, but there was no evidence he meant to be violent.

When Black Lives Matter or Antifa burn, smash, and loot, we hear they’re mostly peaceful protesters, and they are immediately set free. The media is acting as if the violence in the Capitol yesterday was a siege, much like Fort Sumter.

It was not, but it wasn’t good.

Four people died; three died of natural causes from ongoing health issues. One woman was shot and killed by a police officer as she apparently tried to climb through a broken window in the Capitol hallway. Did someone give the officer a shoot-to-kill order? They normally are made to stand down in DC.

Yesterday, it should have been the USA at its best, but the opposite happened. That doesn’t mean Republicans should stand down. It was a small number of troublemakers. Fifty-three were arrested, but some of them weren’t violent. The break-in, however, is not okay.


The NBA, a heavily CCP-funded organization, seems to like ignoring the people who have rioted violently for more than four years. We are not saying that excuses smashing windows and entering the Capitol illegally.

Focus on the Grievance

This is particularly interesting since no one today gives a damn about the underlying grievances. Some of the issues surrounding illegal voting have indeed been debunked, but the fact that the states can all violate their own laws to help one party win has not been. Other issues have also not been debunked or even investigated. The courts either said the plaintiffs didn’t have standing or they were too late.

The fact is most Republicans don’t believe a senile hack and his unlikeable, communist running mate beat out Hillary and Obama.

It was a mostly peaceful protest by the media’s and the Democrats’ standards in the recent past.

It doesn’t change the fact that the violence was wrong.

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