Check Out Hunter’s Phone Contacts – It Just Keeps Getting Worse


Hunter’s phone was filled with porn, hookers, drugs, AND White House officials, and FBI cyber specialists. PJ Media reported this earlier. The profligate ne’er-do-well son of a senile president had the phone numbers of White House and FBI officials.

Among Hunter Biden’s contacts is the FBI’s Cyber Division Section Chief Michael Harrington. Also listed, Herb Stapleton, the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director for the Cyber Capabilities Branch of the Cyber Division. He had Bryan A. Vorndran‘s name listed. He is the assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division in March 2021. And Tonya Ugoretz was on the phone contacts. She was deputy assistant director of the cyber division and is now assistant director of the FBI’s Directorate of Intelligence in May 2022.

The cyber division is in charge of terrorists, spies, and criminals so one can clearly see why Hunter would need their numbers.

He also had the number of Peter Velz, a senior protocol officer. It must have been a full-time job for him to keep erasing the trail Hunter left behind. Then there’s Rachel Palermo, a deputy comms director in the office of the VP. I guess that was one of Kamala’s jobs – handling Hunter. On the list is Rebekah Clark who might be a business official – we just don’t know.

If you will remember, Hunter Biden lost three laptops during his drug-infested sex orgies around the world. The public, at least until now, only got to see the disgusting crapfest of one laptop. We are now seeing the phone he backed up and 500GB of new data from one of his laptops.

I don’t doubt that Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland will get right on this. You know how fair they are to political opponents.

Glenn Greenwald’s observation here about Hunter’s drug and sex life is mostly right. The problem comes in, however, if he was blackmailed. There is no evidence he was but he sure was ripe for it. It’s not as serious anymore because it’s all out. However, the Ukraine and China business sounds very serious.

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