Elizabeth Warren is a typical socialist, and she is showing her true colors with the GameStop explosion. She feigns supporting the middle class and the needy, but she only supports the elites. She is going after the Reddit traders who took it to the rich Hedge Fund managers.
Warren is going after the Reddit little guys.
She wants to subpoena day traders who broke the backs of the dirty hedge fund managers.
Biden hasn’t said a word, nor has Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders. They are the party of Wall Street and crony socialism.
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The Reddit players exposed the Hedge Funds that had rigged the system.
Her rich friends are losing money and she wants to stop that!
Elizabeth Warren likes to pretend she stands with “the little guy,” but in reality, she’s a tool of the very hedge funds and financial elites that she fraudulently decries https://t.co/Smkob9nzbz
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 29, 2021
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