Child Democrat pedo to get out on bail while J6 paraders rot in prison


Arizona state senator and accused perverted pedophile Tony Navarrete, a Democrat, was released on bond. He is charged with seven felonies of sex with two teens.

He faces 49 years in person.

Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Steve McCarthy set a $50,000 bond and placed numerous restrictions on Navarrete, D-Phoenix, should he be released from jail. The lawmaker made his initial court appearance Friday afternoon.

Meanwhile, the J6 rioters and paraders rot in prison. Some were rioters but most just paraded around. A lot of the worst damage and violence was reportedly caused by FBI informants.

Navarrete was arrested Thursday night after Phoenix police received a complaint Wednesday about allegations of incidents involving sexual conduct starting in 2019. Police interviewed the alleged victims and then had one of them call Navarette, according to a probable cause statement.

In the recorded call, monitored by police, Navarrete, 35, acknowledged touching the victim’s penis and performing oral sex on the youth multiple times over several years, according to documents released by Maricopa County Superior Court.

Navarette told the youth he regretted his actions, knew they were wrong and repeatedly told the youth that the young man was not at fault for any of the interactions.

“Of course, I regret any bad actions that I did, absolutely wishing everything could be different. I’m sorry, mijo,” Navarrete was quoted as saying in the phone call. It appears he was not aware that police were listening in.

This creep will be released but people who merely walked through the Capitol, doing nothing wrong except trespass, are in prison, being bankrupted and tortured according to some prisoners.

Meanwhile, the perv admitted to sexual acts on a child, now 16 years of age.

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