Our phones, computers, and the radicals in the city say today is Indigenous People’s Day. There was no proclamation or decree. It was just leftists obliterating history. Actually, Columbus Day was two days ago, but we celebrate it today. We at the Sentinel honor Christopher Columbus, a friend and defender of the Indians. It’s time to correct the lies denigrating him.
In Columbus’ accounts of the New World, the modern-day Bahamas, the land was divided between two main populations: the gentle Arawak people, whom Columbus dubbed “the best people in the world,” and the fearsome Caniba, who were marauding cannibals. (The English word “cannibal” actually derives from “Caniba,” a name Columbus reportedly learned from the Arawaks.)
An entry dated November 4—in which native peoples are communicating with one of Columbus’ Admirals—reads: “… far from there, there were one-eyed men, and others, with snouts of dogs, who ate men, and that as soon as one was taken, they cut his throat and drank his blood…”
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Sources in the original Spanish are the most accurate accounts available about Columbus. Read Los Cuatro Viajes del Almirante y su Testamento and Brevísima Relación de la Destrucción de las Indias, both written by Bartolomé de las Casas.
Bartolomé de Las Casas (1484-1566) was a Spanish Dominican priest and missionary being considered for canonization in the Roman Catholic Church.
De las Casas, as every schoolchild in the Caribbean and Spain knows, was The Apostle of the Indians, an indefatigable defender of the Indians who fulminated endlessly against the Spanish crimes on the indigenous people. More importantly, he chronicled the atrocities against the Indians, fearlessly naming the criminals. Not once does he mention Columbus as an evildoer. On the contrary, he documented the exact opposite, writing that Columbus repeatedly defended the Indians against Spanish depredations.
The diseases that the natives were vulnerable to were not introduced on purpose, and if tens of thousands of indigenous people died from smallpox, tens of thousands of Europeans died from syphilis.
Communist Howard Zinn rewrote American history, claiming Columbus was cruel and they killed the natives by giving them smallpox. Zinn is dead, but communists continue his inaccurate and anti-American history.
The armies were primitive and rather wild in those days. Discipline didn’t come into play until the 1700s.
The European leadership did not send the Conquistadors. They were rogue. Many so-called ‘indigenous’ people today are descended from the Conquistadors, who have a sordid history.
When Columbus, years later, suggested making slaves out of the natives, he was very specifically referring to the cannibals, for whom he had developed a deep hatred for obvious reasons. He didn’t feel that way about the peaceful Arawak natives. Christopher was their friend.
A Pittsburgh judge ruled the city could remove a statue of Christopher Columbus two years ago. An Italian Heritage Group appealed.
The statue is still standing. There are still 126 Christopher Columbus statues standing. Leftists are trying to get them all torn down, along with our Founding Fathers and other great figures from history.
Removing history is merely an attempt to destroy American heritage.
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