Citations for watching a sunset from a car & rallies continue nationwide


If you try to attend a church service from your car or simply watch a sunset, you will get cited in San Diego.

In San Diego, deputies issued citations to people sitting in their cars having “picnics” and watching the sunset, spreading the virus to no one.

The citations carry fines of up to $1000 and/or 6 months in jail.

That is the stuff of police states.

This is why there are protests today and throughout the summer. The leftist trolls are out on Twitter badmouthing the protesters. They are the trolls who tweet at the instigation of groups funded by the likes of the Brock-Soros mafia. The leftists don’t like it when the right adopts their tactics.


The tickets were issued Friday to people who “were watching the sunset, having picnics near the beach,”  according to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department.

“Everyone is required to stay home, except to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care or go to an essential job,” the department tweeted Saturday morning. “Complacency is the enemy. Take social distancing more seriously to stop coronavirus.”

The violations carry fines of up to $1,000 or six months in jail or both, the department said.

“You can easily transmit coronavirus (without) knowing it, creating a snowball effect,” a tweet from the department said. “By staying home, you can save lives. The public health orders were not created to follow when convenient.”

In LA, the totalitarians are filling up a kid’s park with sand so they can’t skateboard.


There was a protest in San Diego:

There was a large rally in Ohio:

Rallies in Texas:

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