Clown World! Two Minute Break with Kamala


While people die at the hands of illegal immigrant criminals, Southerners suffer in the aftermath of a fearsome storm, and war threatens, a woman with many accents is running for president.

Kamala has not given a presser or answered a question yet. If she did answer questions, you might like what she stands for. What she is good at is affectations like phony accents.

Kamala Harris has a new accent for black podcasters, but why is she laughing?

Here’s another accent for black caucus members. Again, she is laughing at nothing.

This is her Donald Trump accent.

I’m eager to hear about the Asian accent. Why is she laughing?

She’s a psycho.

“Ya betta thank a union member…”

Do union members talk like this?

She was brought up in Canada and LA. You would never guess that.

We gonna do it, baby.

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