New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is clueless about a lot of things going on in his city, and even in his own family. For example, he claims he didn’t know his daughter Chiara had been arrested on May 31st until he was notified by the media.
When asked why he didn’t address the arrest of his daughter, the clueless de Blasio said he knew she had been protesting, but did not know she had been arrested. “She was peacefully protesting and not doing anything that would provoke a negative response,” he said at press conference. So why was she arrested?
Then, only a week later, Chiara was photographed exposing herself on a New York subway. Her father must be proud.
In fact, he is! Mayor de Blasio says he is proud of his daughter for standing up for something.
Actually, she was sitting down on the subway. While the coronavirus decimated city residents, the mayor continued to allow people to ride the subway and spread the virus.
Mayor Bill de Blasio strikes again. Strikes out, that is.
CBS reporter Rich Lamm asked de Blasio in a radio interview about the spike in illegal fireworks being set off in the city in early June. De Blasio said he was “very surprised by this.” He told Lamm he would talk to the NYPD about it. (You mean the NYPD you defunded?) “I don’t have a perfect answer for you, but I’d be happy find out what the heck’s going on.” he said. Good idea!
A lot of New Yorkers would be happy to find out what’s been going on in New York City since de Blasio has been their mayor!
Even the New York Post Editorial Board reported that de Blasio’s “cluelessness on reopening NYC is ultimate failure of crisis leadership.” The editorial, posted the end of May, went on to say that “Mayor Bill de Blasio is totally clueless about how to reopen it.” Honk if you agree.
The Post’s scathing indictment of de Blasio’s leadership (or lack of it) included begging for some kind of plan for reopening to help unemployed workers. Instead, de Blasio is just in the planning stage of setting up panels that will be led by his wife.
Mayor de Blasio’s wife should have plenty of help. While the city operates massively in the red, Chirlane McCray has a staff of 14 with salaries in excess of $2 million, as reported in the Daily Mail (U.K.).
Mayor Bill de Blasio strikes again. Strikes out, that is.
New York City restaurants are clamoring to reopen. They are the life blood of the city, and indeed its residents. Restaurants and bars laid off an estimated 234,000 workers based on data released in June by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics.
Although the city has finally allowed outdoor dining, only about half of the restaurants opted to do so. Some aren’t even set up to do business that way. And the ones that have opened are getting only a fraction of their normal summer volume of customers. Unfortunately, many of the restaurants New York City’s five boroughs will never recover and never reopen.
Mayor Bill de Blasio strikes again. Strikes out, that is.
But if you want to protest, you’re in luck! There are absolutely no restrictions on “peaceful protests” like the one where the mayor’s daughter was arrested.
Mayor de Blasio shifted $1 billion in funding from the police department as protesters looted, burned, and destroyed businesses and property. He defunded the police while criminals shot, assaulted, injured, and killed citizens and law enforcement officers.
The mayor went so far as to threaten to sue the Trump administration if he sent in federal troops to quell the violence. He called those actions “unnecessary” and “counterproductive.” Compared to what? His answer is to paint “Black Lives Matter” in front of Trump Tower.
Mayor Bill de Blasio strikes again. Strikes out, that is.
When de Blasio heard about a Jewish funeral being held in Brooklyn at the end of April, he was so infuriated that he went to see it for himself. He ordered the police to disperse the mourners and instituted a “zero tolerance” policy on such gatherings.
“My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.” the mayor tweeted. Obviously that didn’t apply to violent protesters.
And by the end of April, the mayor targeted all religious gatherings and church services. He threatened to permanently close churches and assess fines for those that defied his order.
Mayor Bill de Blasio strikes again. Strikes out, that is.
Just last week, Mayor de Blasio announced he would tax the rich and redistribute their money. “Help me tax the wealthy. Help me redistribute wealth,” de Blasio said on “The Brian Lehrer” WNYC radio show. He added, “Help me build affordable housing in white communities if you want desegregation.”
Robert Holden, Democrat Councilman from Queens, said the mayor should cut the fat from the city’s budget first. “Middle-class residents are already being driven out of the city,” Holden said. The Empire Center reported that the highest income earners already pay 43 percent of the city’s taxes.
Not surprising, New York City residents are fleeing to parts unknown in record number. The number of people moving out of the city is up 50 percent from the same period last year, as reported in the New York Times.
The protests grow larger and louder and more violent every day. But the cries from law-abiding New Yorkers go unheard and unheeded. The mayor won’t ask for help even though he is clueless on how to stop the senseless violence that threatens to destroy one of the greatest cities and largest economies in the country.
Mayor Bill de Blasio strikes again.
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