CNN host asks Dr. Fauci why he ‘wasn’t straight with the American people’


CNN host Dana Bash pressured Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on Sunday to explain his recent [lie] statement about the percentage needed for herd immunity. He ‘wasn’t straight with the American people’ and he said it was because he determined Americans weren’t ready to hear the truth.

“In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did,” The New York Times reported last week. “About a month ago, he began saying ’70, 75 percent’ in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said ’75, 80, 85 percent’ and ‘75 to 80-plus percent.’”

The Times reported that Fauci said during an interview that he thinks that up to 90 percent of the population might need to be vaccinated for the U.S. to reach herd immunity.

“Fauci said that weeks ago, he had hesitated to publicly raise his estimate because many Americans seemed hesitant about vaccines, which they would need to accept almost universally in order for the country to achieve herd immunity,” the Times added. “Now that some polls are showing that many more Americans are ready, even eager, for vaccines, he said he felt he could deliver the tough message that the return to normal might take longer than anticipated.”

On Sunday, Bash asked Fauci why he was not “straight with the American people about this to begin with.”

He evaded several times and then went on about it being a guesstimate.

We are supposed to listen to the scientists, and he’s the scientist of choice. Oh, and he lies about masks too.


Fauci also said he agrees with Joe Biden that “our darkest days” may be ahead. As long as Biden is president, that is true, although that isn’t what they are talking about.

The good doctor now says we might not return to normal for a year.

These Democrats are going to keep this going indefinitely.

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