CNN tapes: we’d be better off if NFL ran the country! CNN’s not a news station


Project Veritas released new recordings today of CNN brass deep in discussion. In the episode below, we find that a CNN executive telling others on the call aht the NFL could run the government better. In the next clip, CNN CEO Jeff Zucker calls Rudy Giuliani a “useful idiot.”

In response to their handling of COVID-19, “If the NFL was running the government, then things would probably be in much better shape than they are…”

The recordings include CNN president Jeff Zucker and other senior staff, as they discuss the news stories each day, including their efforts to avoid negative stories about Democrat Joe Biden, and how they will attack President Trump.

As we knew, they are Democrat activists, not a news station.

In the following audio, an unidentified CNN executive slams Trump supporters at a rally for the lack of masks and social distancing and declares that things would be better off if the NFL was running the government.


In this call, Zucker calls Rudy Giuliani a “useful idiot.”

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