At a House hearing, experts said that North Korea could easily employ the “doomsday scenario” to turn parts of the U.S. to ashes. Experts warned that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP Bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of all Americans within a year.
There is a fix that would cost about $7 billion but Congress hasn’t moved on it for a decade.
Written testimony warns that the U.S. cannot defend against eve a single ICBM from over the South Polar region:
U.S. ballistic missile defense (BMD) interceptors are designed to intercept a few North Korean ICBMs that approach the United States over the North Polar region. But current U.S. BMD systems are not arranged to defend against even a single ICBM that approaches the United States from over the South Polar region, which is the direction toward which North Korea launches its satellites…
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This is not a new idea. The Soviets pioneered and tested just such a specific capability decades ago—we call it a Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS)…So, North Korea doesn’t need an ICBM to create this existential threat. It could use its demonstrated satellite launcher to carry a nuclear weapon over the South Polar region and detonate it…over the United States to create a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP)…The result could be to shut down the U.S. electric power grid for an indefinite period, leading to the death within a year of up to 90 percent of all Americans—as the EMP Commission testified over eight years ago.
The report continues: Former NASA rocket scientist James Oberg visited North Korea’s Sohae space launch base, witnessed elaborate measures undertaken to conceal space launch payloads, and concludes in a 2017 article that the EMP threat from North Korea’s satellites should be taken seriously.
Kim Jong Un has threatened to reduce the United States to “ashes” with “nuclear thunderbolts” and threatened to retaliate for U.S. diplomatic and military pressure by “ordering officials and scientists to complete preparations for a satellite launch as soon as possible” amid “the enemies’ harsh sanctions and moves to stifle” the North.
They said:
- Just six months ago, most experts thought North Korea’s nuclear arsenal was primitive, some academics claiming it had as few as 6 A-Bombs. Now the intelligence community reportedly estimates North Korea has 60 nuclear weapons.
- Just six months ago, most experts thought North Korea’s ICBMs were fake, or if real could not strike the U.S. mainland. Now the intelligence community reportedly estimates North Korea’s ICBMs can strike Denver and Chicago, and perhaps the entire United States.
- Just six months ago, most experts thought North Korea was many years away from an H-Bomb. Now it appears North Korea has H-Bombs comparable to sophisticated U.S. two-stage thermonuclear weapons.
- Just six months ago, most experts claimed North Korean ICBMs could not miniaturize an A-Bomb or design a reentry vehicle for missile delivery. Now the intelligence community reportedly assesses North Korea has miniaturized nuclear weapons, and has developed reentry vehicles for missile delivery, including by ICBMs that can strike the U.S.
- After massive intelligence failures grossly underestimating North Korea’s long-range missile capabilities, number of nuclear weapons, warhead miniaturization, and proximity to an H-Bomb, the biggest North Korean threat to the U.S. remains unacknowledged—nuclear EMP attack.
North Korea is now testing an H-bomb which would end in a devastating EMP attack. “Our current vulnerability invites attack,” the experts warned Congress.
North Korea said its hydrogen bomb was capable of devastating attacks on electrical grids.
“The H-bomb, the explosive power of which is adjustable from tens kiloton to hundreds kiloton, is a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated even at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack according to strategic goals,” KCNA reported in English.
Electromagnetic pulse is an intense wave of electrical energy generated by the detonation of a nuclear weapon.
For years, Congress has been warned about the EMP threat and though it’s relatively inexpensive fix – about $7 billion – they haven’t done anything about it.
Last September North Korea issued this threat: “A preemptive nuclear strike is not something the U.S. has a monopoly on,” a top NK official said. “If we see that the U.S. would do it to us, we would do it first. … We have the technology,” top North Korean official, Lee Yong Pil, said in an exclusive interview with NBC News.
Samantha Powers, then-UN Ambassador, said on NBC News of the fighting words: ‘We need to ramp up the pressure. Because this isn’t just a threat to the United States or the Republic of Korea, this is a threat to mankind.’
Enhanced Radiation Weapons such as Super-EMP weapons are essentially very low-yield H-Bombs that typically have yields of 1-10 kilotons, just like the North Korean device recently detonated, according to Dr. Peter Pry. Dr. Pry says the weapon described as an H-bomb looks like a Super EMP warhead.A Super-EMP warhead would be a greater threat to the United States than the most powerful H-Bomb ever built.
Russia has said they have a Super EMP and the design elements were accidentally leaked to North Korea. However, South Korean military intelligence has repeatedly warned the press that Russian scientists are in North Korea helping develop a Super-EMP nuclear weapon.
In July, Dr. Pry warned again of the ‘dark possibility’. Iran is also suspected of preparing for an eventual EMP attack.
There are signs that Iran may be working toward an Electromagnetic Pulse strike on the United States and they endorse it because it’s not direct murder.
“Once Iran has a nuclear weapon, they are ready to launch an EMP attack against us,” former CIA Director James Woolsey told TheBlaze TV’s For the Record. “I think they have conducted launches of satellites of the type that you and in the direction you would want for an EMP attack.”
Woolsey added that the Iranian military has laid the groundwork for a religious justification for an EMP strike. In 2010, a military textbook called “Passive Defense” was published, which included a section that outlined how an EMP strike would be compliant with Islamic law.
EMP deaths are indirect. If they destroy the electric grid, they can’t operate the other 17 infrastructures in the U.S. that control food, water, finance. Since they aren’t directly killing people, it’s A-OK with Islam.
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