Crime Tourism Is All the Rage in Places Like California


California tourism has declined in once-popular cities for tourists like San Francisco, where crime is rampant. Laws are not enforced, others are ignored, but all is not lost. They always have crime tourism!

There is a fan base for tourism. – criminals. Crime tourism is the smash-and-grab tourism by foreigners on tourist visas.

Organized gangs come in on tourist visas, case homes, rob, ransack, and flee.

There is a price to be paid for messaging the world that the US is not enforcing the law as politicians welcome all criminals into sanctuary cities, and so-called non-violent crimes are downgraded with minimal punishments.

California is one victim of the ideology. The word is out. Some of these gangs sweep the entire country, stealing along the way.

It’s been around for years.

Crime tourism is the work of organized gangs that enter countries on tourist visas for a few weeks with the sole intention of committing crimes or making a quick buck. They focus on home break-ins and shoplifting. They inflict maximum damage on locals before returning to their home countries.

They also hit Canada and Australia.

Not only is crime tourism an organized crime, they revel in their knowledge of local criminal law. They undertake levels of crime that are not violent, so they avoid prosecution to the fullest. It’s a game of “optimum opportunity cost.”

Crime tourism is an easily avoidable happening. Stop opening the borders, protecting criminals, and refusing to enforce the law. They are coming to pick our bones as the country slips into Third World status.

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