De Blasio says fire the officer, yet he admits he doesn’t have the facts, what a piece of work


Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is always wrong about everything, called for the firing of a police officer while admitting he didn’t have the facts.

“There’s a video going around of a police officer in the middle of a situation that admittedly looked chaotic but where protesters were in front of that police officer,” de Blasio said.

“That police officer drew his gun at some point yesterday. That to me, seeing that video was absolutely unacceptable. Now, I don’t know all the circumstances and we must know all the facts. There will be an immediate full investigation of that incident.”

“But I can say as a New Yorker, as your Mayor, as someone who understands that the vast majority of protestors are there peacefully, and even those who do have that violent intent are still human beings,” de Blasio continued.

“We have to always know it is not the place of an officer to pull a gun in the middle of a crowd knowing that there are peaceful protesters in that crowd that is unacceptable. That is dangerous. I want you to note on that video how a superior officer immediately came over and moved that officer away from that crowd. That officer should have his gun and badge taken away today. There will be an investigation immediately to determine the larger consequences.”


A clipped video went viral and that is what this buffoonish mayor went by. It only shows the officer waving the gun at the crowd.

As we reported earlier, the officer pulled his gun after another officer was nearly killed by a brick.

NYC PBA tweeted: “Now we have the full story: this police officer unholstered his weapon only after his supervisor was nearly killed with a brick.”

We shared this clip earlier today but it can’t be shared enough.

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