If you liked President Trump when the debate started, you still like him, and the reverse is true in Biden’s case.
Chris Wallace was a problem. His questions were too long and he didn’t address any of the blatant lies. For example, Wallace ignored Biden saying Hunter didn’t do anything wrong while his father was vice president. The question we didn’t get an answer to was did Hunter enrich himself at the USA’s expense?
Chris Wallace was a disaster who chided Trump, pressed him with questions far more than he did Biden. Questions and topics were geared towards leftist agenda items. Wallace appears to be a man of the left, really left.
President Trump had a good line at the beginning — I guess I’m debating you, meaning Chris Wallace. That was the case.
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Biden met the extremely low bar set for him with only a couple of brief seconds of verbal stumbling although James Woods thinks Biden was caught with a wire:
And there it is. #JoeWired pic.twitter.com/bk1dkZ9gQo
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 30, 2020
Biden also didn’t answer questions thanks to Chris Wallace letting him skate:
I’m looking back over the debate and I just realized that Joe Biden didn’t answer a single question, nor does he have a specific campaign plan for his presidency. He’s literally the #GhostCandidate
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 30, 2020
Biden lost on the peaceful transition he says he wants:
Biden can’t even answer, because treachery is a coward’s game and Joe Biden is a coward. He hid behind Obama’s skirts throughout #SpyGate, but was equally culpable and guilty. pic.twitter.com/ew3v0CKOpE
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 30, 2020
The debate was fiery. Joe Biden called President Trump a liar, a clown, and, at one point, said, ‘would you shut up, man.” Biden started out saying everything Trump says is a lie and everyone knows it.
Trump did not call him names but let him have it when he said he wasn’t smart. Trump reminded him of his bragging about having top grades in college when he performed at the bottom.
Trump didn’t explain that he paid $18 million in corporate taxes which are his personal taxes. That was a problem for Trump. He probably did pay $750 for each of two years but he also paid $18 million under the corporation, which are his personal taxes.
Biden will eliminate all of Trump’s tax cuts which will mean hundreds of billions in increased taxes on Americans.
Watch: Joe Biden Promises That He Will Eliminate All Tax Cuts Passed By Trump. pic.twitter.com/0cMw3kIHWy
— Shmueli (@ShmueliF) September 30, 2020
On the economy, Wallace had zero questions of Biden despite the anemic Obama-Biden economy.
Wallace took up too much time with his questions and interruptions. He also cut the President off several times, especially when he was making good points.
During the COVID segment, Biden basically accused the President of killing the Americans who died of COV.
Biden ignored the travel bans implemented by Trump and rambled about Trump killing people. Biden piled on and the fact that he would not have instituted any travel bans was lost.
Wallace was mostly MIA on that, although he did corner Joe on the vaccine.
“I don’t trust him on the vaccine,” Biden said. That is so irresponsible. People will die without the vaccine.
There was a discussion about masks. Trump said, “He could be speaking 200 feet away and he’d have the biggest mask on you’ve ever seen”
Biden’s absurd reason for not opening up businesses is because he needs a plan on how to get money to them to open up so he won’t open up.
The solution is actually to open up and the business owners will take care of the rest. The federal government is in deep debt and the Democrats want trillions from us, the federal taxpayer, to cover failing blue states.
Trump said Biden wants to shut down the economy—points to Democratic states that are keeping businesses closed. That is a strong argument.
Wallace never went back to Joe to ask him about his anemic economy.
Wallace teamed up with Joe on this and never questioned Joe about packing the courts beyond the first question. He let it go (obviously, he will pack the courts):
Wallace cut Trump off when he was making good points.
Because Chris Wallace is an absolute disgrace. Wallace is a registered Democrat and he is doing as much as he can to interfere with how the debate plays out. https://t.co/Ah2F4To38z
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) September 30, 2020
Before tonight, the most unprofessional debate moderators in modern American history were MSNBC’s John Harwood and CNN’s Candy Crowley.
Not anymore. This moderator performance is obscene. Wallace should have to disclose it to the FEC as a Biden in-kind contribution.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 30, 2020
The two got caught up in the personal aspects of Hunter Biden cozying up to China. He didn’t address the corruption.
Trump hit Biden with his son and his cozy relationship with China and the wife of the mayor of Moscow. Biden insisted it’s been debunked although it has not been.
Biden on his son Hunter accepting $3.5 million from Russia, other foreign entities: “Totally discredited … My son did nothing wrong” pic.twitter.com/WSItzXdo7q
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 30, 2020
Biden called President Trump a clown again and wouldn’t respond to the question about his seemingly corrupt son Hunter. Eventually, he said his son beat drug addiction.
Wallace never questioned Biden about this.
Biden came across as very soft on crime.
The former vice president wants community policing where mental health people accompany the cops on 911 calls.
Biden accused Trump of killing Black people but Trump turned it back on him. Biden went on about systemic racism and it’s inherent in law enforcement. He’s going to call groups together at the White House and solve it.
President Trump asked him what peaceful protest means — riots, burning down cities?
Trump won big here. Wallace should have asked Biden what law enforcement groups support him.
Wallace asked about Trump ending critical race theory and seemed quite annoyed by Trump disbanding it. Trump described it as radical, racist, and destructive. They were teaching people that this country is horrible and racist.
Wallace didn’t ask Biden to respond. He was MIA.
Disgraceful and misleading framing of critical race theory by @FoxNewsSunday Chris Wallace.
Critical race theory isn’t “sensitivity training”; it’s an academic cult that teaches race essentialism, neo-segregationism, and racial harassment.
Strong response by @realDonaldTrump.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) September 30, 2020
Wallace let Biden get away with this blatant lie. https://t.co/gmxf2U6vFu
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 30, 2020
President Trump scored points on law and order. Biden has no reply as to why he was silent about the violence in the demonstrations and in criminal matters.
Wallace asked Biden what does reimagining policing mean and does he support Black Lives Matter calling for defunding the police. Biden’s “reimagining” policing answer is total left-wing blather.
Wallace actually asked Trump to condemn white supremacists. When Trump tried to bring up antifa and BLM, Biden and Wallace geared the conversation back to white supremacists and KKK.
Trump told Biden the radical left will have him wrapped around his finger.
Biden actually said Biden is an idea, not an organization. WOW!
Biden: “Antifa is an idea, not an organization” pic.twitter.com/P4jWOAUyF0
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 30, 2020
Chris Wallace asking Trump to “condemn white supremacist” violence is the ultimate scumbag “when did you stop beating your wife?” question, and we all know it
This is a disgrace. Wallace is a catastrophe.
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) September 30, 2020
Wallace brought up the Charlottesville lie without noting that it has been debunked. He sat mute. That was very dishonest. Biden misled.
Ok, I don’t generally nitpick moderators, but Chris Wallace asking Joe Biden about the “very fine people” thing without bringing up that it’s a flat-out lie is an absolute embarrassment.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) September 30, 2020
That’s when Trump went into antifa and Biden said it was an idea.
Senile Joe got away with lying about the Russian bounty on soldiers’ heads. Wallace was AWOL again.
“The Taliban bounty on the heads of American soldiers” story is a lie, which Biden would know if he ever read the news himself, but his handlers clearly didn’t give him that one
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) September 30, 2020
Biden is going to move to alternative energy, and there will be no more coal or oil plants. He’s going to rejoin the Paris Accord because, he said, without it, meaning the Accord, “everything is falling apart???”
The Paris Accord forces successful countries to stop burning fossil fuels and turn their resources and money — in a huge wealth redistribution — to underdeveloped counties so they can burn fossil fuels.
Chris Wallace has allowed Biden to avoid every question and lie with impunity. #Debatenight #Debate2020.
— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) September 30, 2020
Who won the debate? Well, that’s up to all of you. But Hispanics say Trump won:
Hispanic voters overwhelmingly picked Trump as the winner. In fact, Trump crushed Biden 66/34 regarding who they think won the first duel. It goes in keeping with the polling data that Trump has been doing well with Latinos. You see this in Miami-Dade County, Florida, a key Democratic bastion, where Trump has been doing mighty fine with this voter bloc, causing some Democrats to worry. Telemundo’s poll didn’t help assuage the fears.
It’s not clear how good this poll is:
Boom 💥
Telemundo poll:
66% believe Trump won tonightHispanics see the socialist Dems for who they are because many of them have seen it happen in the countries the fled. #HispanicsForTrump is gonna be lit in Nov #Debates2020 #Debate2020 #debate pic.twitter.com/oAxYV6ZYRt
— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) September 30, 2020
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