Raytheon, the nation’s second-largest defense contractor, has launched a critical race theory program that encourages white employees to confront their “privilege,” reject the principle of “equality,” and “defund the police.”
A defense contractor wants to defund the police, is racist against white people, demands inequality, and rejects this country’s values.
Under the guise of anti-racism, they are pushing racism. White people are singled out and have to sign a pledge to check their biases? Not black people? It centers on the quite evil intersectionality and divides people according to race, religion, sex, gender, and so on.
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Last summer, Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes launched the Stronger Together campaign instructing employees on "becoming an anti-racist today." He signed a corporate diversity statement and then asked all Raytheon employees to sign the pledge and "check [their] own biases." pic.twitter.com/GacZYK4gIr
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2021
Raytheon assumes all whites are racist who have to check their privilege. Think about this. Raytheon is defending this country and thinks the majority of people are racists and, like Stalinists, demands they check their privilege.
Raytheon then asks white employees to deconstruct their identities and "identify [their] privilege." The company argues that white, straight, Christian men are at the top of the oppression hierarchy—and must work on "recognizing [their] privilege" and "step aside" for minorities. pic.twitter.com/mM53oJtfs9
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2021
This stuff is so illogical and just plain sick. Only whites are singled out as needing work. Blacks are just victims.
Raytheon instructs white employees never to say that they "pray things change soon." Whites must acknowledge that their own discomfort is "a fraction" of their black colleagues', who are "exhausted, mentally drained, frustrated, stressed, barely sleeping, scared and overwhelmed." pic.twitter.com/L3GsB8OmaO
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2021
They’re pushing Marxism, aka communism, telling people to strive for equity of outcome instead of equality, which, by its very definition, is racist.
Next, Raytheon explicitly instructs employees to oppose "equality," defined as "treating each person the same . . . regardless of their differences," and strive instead for "equity," which "focuses on the equality of the outcome." pic.twitter.com/t1IWkHcAGw
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2021
A defense contractor for the United States is pushing communism.
I will be on Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss this explosive story. In the meantime, sign up for my newsletter to get the latest stories on critical race theory in American institutions—and, if you're inclined, to support my work.https://t.co/rBln8Elceq
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2021