Delusional Haley Can’t Wait for the South Carolina Primary


Remarkably, Nikki Haley thinks the primary isn’t over. She said there are dozens of states left to go, and “the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina.”

At this point, she is only in this to be a spoiler. The swamp and some Democrats fund her. The swamp wants to keep her in the race.

Earlier today, Donald Trump said, “Let her run.”

MAGAs won’t vote for her. “Birdbrain” wants us to vote for her because she’s younger, and that tactic won’t work.

Some of her comments this evening.

“We still have a ways to go, but we keep moving up,” Haley said.

“With Donald Trump, Republicans have lost almost every competitive election,” says Haley. [Thanks to Republicans working against his candidates.]

“The worst kept secret in politics is how badly the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump. They know Trump is the only Republican in the country who Joe Biden can defeat.”

Haley argues a Trump nomination means a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency.

Haley again challenges Trump to debate her, to loud cheers here.

“The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election,” says Haley.

“In the next two months, Joe Biden isn’t going to get any younger or any better. We’ll have all the time we need to defeat him. When we get to S.C., Trump is going to have a harder time falsely attacking me.”

Maybe Trump will lose, but people won’t vote for her. Only donors and the swamp want her. They are working against the people. No one believes she can defeat Joe Biden, despite the polls.

It’s not likely she can win her own state. South Carolina loves Donald Trump. Trump is winning South Carolina in all the polls with an average of about 30 points.

Ron DeSantis had a much better attitude. He said he didn’t want to waste the donors’ money and his campaign workers’ time. Haley took the selfish tack.

Donald Trump Jr. is speaking in support of his father.

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