Dem Groups Telling Foreigners to Request a Mail-In Ballot


Citizens of Austria and Australia are receiving ballots and being told to ask for a ballot to vote in the US election. Recipients are reporting a potential scheme involving Democrat groups called “Vote from Abroad” and “Center for US Voters Abroad.” They are running ads in their countries telling them to register and request a ballot to vote in the U.S. Presidential election.

Mail-in ballots are a source of corruption. You can’t properly check them. In New York, we fight with the lawyers to get some rejected, but ultimately, they are all handed to the judge, who decides. It generally favors Democrats.

Will any of our politicians do anything about this?

Democrats did announce they were going to register ex-Pats, but this seems to go beyond that. They tell people they can’t vote illegally. But how would you hold them accountable if they do?

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