Dem intel prepares for dark times, all is grim, prepare for The Great Reset


U.S. intelligence officials tell us the future is grim. Economic inequality and strained government resources [caused by Democrat policies] have worsened. Particularly concerning to them is the nationalist sentiments they see.

What is wrong with nationalism? It stood us well in the World Wars.

The Global Trends report by the government’s National Intelligence Council is a document produced every four years. This year’s report is designed to help policymakers and citizens anticipate the economic, environmental, technological, and demographic forces likely to shape the world through the next 20 years.

They want a fully centralized United States government. Then the Left can push us right into The Great Reset.

The document focuses heavily on the impact of the pandemic, calling it the “most significant, singular global disruption since World War II, with health, economic, political, and security implications that will ripple for years to come.”

Especially the way Democrats handled it.

The document finds cause for concern in virtually all aspects of life.

It warns, for instance, that the effects of climate change are likely to worsen the problem of food and water insecurity in poor countries and hasten global migration. Though health, education, and household prosperity have made historic improvements in recent decades, continued progress will be hard to sustain because of “headwinds” not only from the effects of the pandemic but also aging populations and “potentially slower global economic growth.”

Advances in technology have the potential to address problems including climate change and disease, but can also provoke new tensions, the report says.

“State and non-state rivals will vie for leadership and dominance in science and technology with potentially cascading risks and implications for economic, military, and societal security,” the report says.

The report also warns of eroding trust in government and institutions and of a “trust gap” between the general public and the better informed and educated parts of the population.

What works is freedom and nationalism, not communistic global governance where only a few elite have power and make all the decisions. It puts academics in charge of the world.


These people in the clip are Nazis.

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