Dem Rep: “I Will Never Stop Standing up for Big Pharma and Standing Against My Constituents.”


Democrat Congresswoman Angie Craig from Minnesota debated Republican Tyler Kistner Thursday morning. She said out loud what so many politicians think, especially Democrats. When they tell the truth by mistake, make sure you take it seriously.

“I Will Never Stop Standing up for Big Pharma and Standing Against My Constituents.”

Remember when Biden told the truth?


Was that a Freudian slip because that seems to be how she operates?

Craig won her seat two years ago, composed largely of Dakota County, which is white and middle to upper-middle class. They vote Democrat.

She alleged that her opponent would vote to help special interest groups like Big Pharma and Big Oil. Angie, who survived in 2016 thanks to a George Soros-funded PAC, said:

“I’ve had my head down doing everything to reduce drug costs while Mr. Kistner is being funded by big pharma. I’ve had my head down fighting for year-round sales of E-15 supporting our family farmers. So, you can’t just complain about it when get to Congress, you actually have to put your head down and try to do something about it”.”

Kistner fought back against the insinuation that he’s funded by and supports special interest groups, saying:

“This is the second-most expensive House race in the nation right now. And what is driving that is super PAC funding, and that super PAC funding for Tyler Kistner is coming from big oil and big pharma. Tyler Kistner and his funding from super PACs, that is how they’re trying to hold me accountable.”

Kistner gets his money from Republicans, the Republican Party, and small donors.

That’s when she said, “I will never stop standing up for big pharma and standing against my constituents.”

Craig is funded by special interests, Wall Street, far-left Angie’s List, University of Minnesota, leftist lawyers, and Leadership PACS that Soros donates to, and has raised almost three times what he has raised. As we said, she was saved by a Soros-funded PAC in 2016.

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