Democrat Rep Proposes a Voting Age of 16


Democrat Representative Grace Meng has proposed a constitutional amendment to lower the voting age in the United States from 18 to 16. Democrats have pushed this for years because they know the idealistic young tend to vote Democrat, believing their hype, and often lack the maturity and experience they need. In other words, they are easy to manipulate.

Democrats know youth are ripe for brainwashing through propaganda. Combine that with the fact that there is a lot more leftist propaganda in the schools than fact, and you have a movement to lower the voting age to 16.

The far-left Party always seeks a way to solidify a permanent electoral majority.

As one X poster put it, If you’re not old enough to sign a contract, have a cocktail, fight for your country, be tried as an adult, take out a loan, drive without restrictions, own a firearm, or go out to work then no, you shouldn’t be voting.

If anything, the voting age should be 21.

At 16, they care much more about driving a car than voting. Leave it be.

If anything, they should require IQ and sanity tests for voters, and they should be citizens.

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