Democrats Call a Loyal Colleague a “Nazi Cooperator”


Longtime Democrat Seth Moulton is in hot water with his fellow Democrats, who now want to replace him on the ticket. He made the unforgivable comment that he doesn’t want his daughters playing sports with trans girls. After he made the comment, the Salem Democrat Party called Mouton a “Nazi cooperator,” the Boston Globe reported yesterday.

Democrats don’t get any more ridiculous than this. At least they are turning on their own.

Liz Bradt had told the Globe that the local party would “find someone to run against him and win” for his pushback on radical trans activists.

Moulton has a strong record of supporting LGBTQ people. What he said is just common sense.

Bradt acknowledged to the Globe in an interview that she had written in a private email that Moulton “is what is know[n] as a ‘cooperator’ in Nazi times,” saying she was concerned his comments about trans athletes would extend to other communities.

“I worry very much about people, politicians who look to see which way the wind is blowing and say things like this,” Bradt said.

Moulton had said Democrats lost the election because he stopped listening to mainstream America. So, they turned on him.

Moulton brought up his daughters to make the point that he was afraid to express his opinion given the current state of the radical Democrat Party.

Moulton said the reaction proves his point.

Moulton told reporters this week that the backlash proves his point. He said people should be able to disagree on gender issues.

“Yet there are many who, shouting from the extreme left corners of social media, believe I have failed the unspoken Democratic Party purity test,” he said. “We did not lose the 2024 election because of any trans person or issue. We lost, in part, because we shame and belittle too many opinions held by too many voters, and that needs to stop.”

As for potential Democratic challengers, he told Fox: “It’s a democracy. If you want to run against me, go for it.”

Many people believe the Democrats’ radical views on men in women’s sports was just enough to tip the election to Donald Trump.

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