Democrats Cancel Independence Day


Democrats want to take away your right to self-defense, and they want to kill unborn babies on a whim to the moment of birth. They appear devastated since they couldn’t do it for July 4th. They also want the EPA to rule as opposed to Congress. At least that is this week. If they don’t get their way, they cancel Independence Day apparently.

With Biden, they get everything they want, including expensive gas and oil. Still, it’s not enough.

For Independence Day, they want you to know they hate America and they hate you.

Burn it all down says this silly goose:

Wow, confused:

Frederick Douglass said this when we had slavery – we had slavery and Jim Crow thanks to Democrats:

I don’t know what to say to Dean here since I’m not a biologist.

This is the same guy who wants to call men ‘women” and force vaccinations on everyone.

If Democrats don’t get their way, it means they don’t have freedom.

This one is a racist, ageist, man-hater who wants to cancel “old white men”.

This one wants to save our democracy by killing unborn babies on a whim and disarming Americans who didn’t do anything wrong. Cancel her instead.

Dummies should be canceled:

He’s probably a Lakota like Elizabeth Warren is a Cherokee:

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