Democrats Pick a “$#@ Batman” for US Senate


Pennsylvania Democrat, John Fetterman heard gunfire and saw a man running away. He told his child to go in and call 911. That was nine years ago and it still haunts him every campaign.

He chased the man down with a shotgun and held him at bay until the police came.

The captured man – who is black – was jogging in full jogging gear. He was unarmed and the noises Fetterman heard was firecrackers.


Fetterman was the Mayor of the Pittsburgh area of Braddock at the time.

He claims he couldn’t see his race at the time.

We are sorry that Mr. Fetterman is ill and it seems a lot of Democrats felt sorry for him too. He’s now the Democrat candidate for the US Senate.

Democrats are afraid his seemingly racist act will depress black voter turnout.


Fetterman’s excuses aren’t popular with some people, like the last black mayor of Philadelphia.

“He’s not shooting straight on this, no pun intended. Just ‘fess up. Apologize,” said Michael Nutter, Philadelphia’s last Black mayor, who served until 2016.

“All this other stuff — that he was the chief law enforcement officer or that he didn’t know the guy was Black — just doesn’t really sound like he wants to tell the truth,” added Nutter, who is neutral in the Senate primary. “It’s not helping him. Figuratively speaking, he’s shooting himself in the foot, and he doesn’t have to.”

His Opponent Didn’t Think Much of His Excuses

Police said in their report they arrived and found Fetterman’s truck parked in the middle of the roadway.

He was holding a black shotgun in his hands and continued screaming at cops that he knew that the jogger “was shooting.” The man was searched for weapons but he was unarmed.

One of his opponents in the race, Kenyatta, said that while he did not believe Fetterman to be a racist, his actions still constituted an “act of gun violence.”

“I don’t think the parallels stop at Ahmaud Aubery,” Kenyatta said. “You can also look at Trayvon Martin. You can look at Kyle Rittenouse – people who feel like they can be vigilantes. I mean, John is not f–ing Batman. There’s no way you can look at his behavior and say this is appropriate. … He has to model a basic level of leadership. A part of leadership is owning up to mistakes. … What he did was wrong. He knows it was wrong.”

Sean Davis’s comment about Frankenstein refers to his physical appearance. Some say he looks like Frankenstein.

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