This is not something I like to do – point out criminals by skin color when discussing so-called white supremacy – however, the Left leaves us no choice. It is important to note that these killings are not because the people are black. It’s because they are crazy, on drugs, or they’re just evil or a little of all three. The same goes for white killers. The Buffalo killer was more a leftist than a person of the right but that doesn’t matter either. Only extremists do things like this and they are not Democrats or Republicans.
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The crime against innocent black people in Buffalo was horrific. It appears to be a racist slaughter, making the situation worse. What we don’t hear about are the black mass killers – why is that? We believe it’s because corrupt politicians want to divide us along racial lines for votes.
Last night on his podcast, Bill O’Reilly dealt with comments by Joe Divider-in-Chief Biden. He played this Biden clip where Joe lies and poisons Americans’ minds over white supremacy:
“Hate. That through the media and politics, the Internet has radicalized, angry, alienated, lost, and isolated individuals into falsely believing that they will be replaced – that’s the word, replaced – by the other. By people who don’t look like them. White supremacy is a poison. It’s poison. It really is. Running through our body politic, it’s been allowed to fester and grow right in front of our eyes. No more. I mean, no more. We need to say as clearly and forcefully as we can, that the ideology of white supremacy has no place in America. None.”
Then O’Reilly commented:
Good. White supremacy has no place in America. Okay, I’m with that. I think you are with that. If you aren’t, don’t watch me. Because I condemn the neo-Nazis, and I assume the FBI has a pretty good bead on them. But individual loons, like this kid, it’s impossible. Nobody can keep track of that. No one. It’s an individual doing it. But this was interesting. So he says, it’s growing right before our eyes, white supremacy, and it is running through our body politic. I don’t see that. If you do, I don’t know where it is in our body politic. I don’t know. Now, Biden made a big deal out of Donald Trump’s remarks at Charlottesville when he said there were good people on both sides, but as I wrote in the United States of Trump, I documented every single word. You can see it with your own eyes. Mr. Trump was referring to people who are objecting to or supporting statues, Robert E Lee specifically. There are good people on both sides of that argument. Didn’t have anything to do with the neo-Nazis. Now, any fair-minded person would come to that conclusion if they wanted to know the truth. But again, Biden doesn’t want to know the truth. He wants to gin up that we’re a nation, half of us, who love white supremacy. We’re in it. We’re supporting it. Such a lie.
Exactly. There is no other possibility. Biden has the heart of a cold, calculating politician with or without dementia.