Dems are winning the argument with socialism while Republicans remain silent


Democrats are winning the war with their socialist platform full of goodies at a time when people are getting deperate. The Republicans have been silent. They are letting Democrats hijack the conversation.

Democrats are taking over the next stimulus and pushing the socialist giveaways.

They are also touting this fraud-ridden idea of mail-in voting without voter ID.

Another issue that has come up via CNN is what Portugal did with their illegal aliens, migrants, asylum seekers — they gave them temporary full citizenship. That is coming here as well.

Democrats are pushing for free stuff for illegal aliens

Socialist Democrats Rep. Lou Correa (Calif), Judy Chu (Calif.), and Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), just introduced a bill calling for people here illegally to receive tax rescue dollars.

“I just introduced the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act because taxpaying immigrants were left out of the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill. These taxpayers work in critical sectors of our economy, like agriculture, & contribute greatly to our country,” Rep. Correa tweeted.

The Daily Caller notes that the CARES Act is intended to help “Americans suffering under the coronavirus pandemic,” and that the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act will “allow individuals living in the U.S. unlawfully to apply for funds.”

They want to amend the act to include illegal aliens and they see the omission of people who broke our laws as an egregious error.

“The ‘Leave No Taxpayer Behind’ Act will ensure immigrants critical to our economy are not forgotten,” the statement concludes.

What about citizens who are critical? The majority of Americans don’t want this.

Pelosi freebies

The Democrats are winning with all their free stuff, their socialist giveaways.

Watch the Supercut:

Releasing criminals

We also have the leftists releasing criminals to keep them safe, while arresting pastors who congregated.

Major crime is up 12% in New York. Is there a connection? The fact that the NYPD has to back off so many ‘petty’ crimes is an issue but communist de Blasio just keeps releasing prisoners.

Among the NYPD statistics from the first quarter of 2020:

  • Car thefts spiked 65.5%, from 943 to 1,561
  • 685 more robberies were reported for a 25.2% increase
  • Burglaries jumped by 21.9% with 533 more reported
  • 486 additional grand larcenies occurred, a 5.2% uptick
  • 117 more assaults were reported for a 2.6% increase

All during a pandemic.

Democrats want the President to become a dictator

The President is standing up for our Constitution, but we are on the verge of losing it.

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