Dems might need Plan B to keep Bernie from winning the primary


After last night’s debate, Democrats might not be able to rely on Michael Bloomberg to take socialist [communist] Bernie out. Bloomberg can’t be counted out because of his enormous wealth, but his performance was found to be cringe-worthy by most Democrats.

A mostly unprepared Michael Bloomberg often shrugged his shoulders under withering attacks, especially by a hyper-aggressive and desperate Elizabeth Warren.

One of Warren’s best hits was this one about “fat broads and horse-faced lesbians”:

A couple of Bloomberg’s great lines helped ease the pain of watching him dissolve into the background throughout most of the debate.

He suggested Warren and Bernie were communists [aren’t they?]:

One comment to Bernie made Bernie’s eyes bulge:


Unless the polls continue to rise for Bloomberg or one of the other candidates takes a lead, Bernie could end up with an unstoppable lead.

That takes us to Super Tuesday as the place of last resort for Democrats to take down Bernie. The first vote is a straight-up-or-down vote, but if Bernie doesn’t have over 50%, and it goes to a second or third round, Bernie’s toast. The Super Delegates kick in after the first round. Each Super Delegate has a lot of votes, enough to swing it towards a different candidate.

Every candidate but Bernie wants to follow the process set up by Democrats:

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